Sunday 5 February 2012

WEEK 2 - american immigration k-12 project

This website provides teachers notes, tasks, lesson plans and learning resources for teachers for on the topic of American immigration past and present for Key stage 12 level students.

In the historical overview it shows that patterns of immigration are closely related to the economic status of both America and Europe. It almost blames the economic failures of Europe in the 1800’s for the immigration of Europeans into America.

The information provided for students is critical of immigration and is likely to give students a negative perspective on immigration, implying it affects their opportunities and prosperity. ‘’ at issue is the general question of whether we should continue our longstanding policy of openness or ‘close the gates’ in order to protect the existing levels of prosperity that most American citizens enjoy. – This implies that immigration is hindering the development of American citizens and their ability to achieve the American dream. They claim also that immigration causes a ‘host of problems’ using examples such as cultural differences and language barriers.

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